Five Children, Ten Weeks and a Wooden House

Three older ones: L10, T11 and C10

Three older ones: L10, T11 and C10

Hello!  Welcome to our Little House Learning Adventure.  We are a home schooled family with five children who are spending ten weeks this summer ‘living like Laura’ from The Little House on the Prairie.  We will be reading the books, watching the DVDs and eating the food Laura ate.  The best part of this project will be making our own ‘Little House’ in our play house.  Together, the whole family will refurbish our two story play house and make it as much like the original as is practical, whilst learning lots of lovely skills along the way.

Two younger ones: A4 and B2

Two younger ones: A4 and B2

Each week we will post a loose outline of our plans for the following week.  This will help us all keep accountable and help us to achieve the goals we have set ourselves this summer.  It also keeps the family on the same page so to speak.

Our Plans this Week

Read Aloud each day

Watch an episode on DVD each day

General Little House Plans

(Just edited to add a picture of the house!)

Our Little House

Our Little House

As one of our main goals is to transform our run down, second hand wooden house into a beautiful playhouse for A4 and B2, each week the whole family will focus on the jobs which need to be done to make this happen.  You should know we are not trying to replicate any house Laura lived in exactly, more capture the essence of prairie living in the 1800s.  This week we will:

  1. Clear out, clean and sweep house
  2. Replace the windows, top and bottom
  3. White wash the inside
  4. Wood treat the outside
  5. Wood treat the wooden planter Gary made

In addition the children will be doing the following, if there is any time left after doing  the house:

Mr Ingalls

  1. Using his survival skills book, T11 will attempt to master making twine from leather and then making a rope from the twine.
  2. He will use the twine to teach himself some knots, which he will use next week to make a ladder for the little house.  This will help our prairie family to reach the top exterior of the house, for cleaning and repair work

Mrs Ingalls and Mary

  1. L10 and C10 will make the mattress which is to take up the entire upstairs space.  They will use some old cloth and fill it with straw.
  2. Both girls will also be trying their hand at cooking prairie style recipes using this book:

Laura and Carrie

  1. A4 and B2 will be making a button string
  2. They will be given their paper dolls to play with
  3. A4 will make some prairie pancakes and post the recipe (with Mummy’s help) on Thursday

The whole family will begin to rip up material and plait it for our plaited rag rug for the floor of the house.

Each week we will post about something we have done.  This weeks posting plans are as follows:

Monday: L10 will post a recipe she has tried, with a review and a picture of the dish in question (it is likely she will cook this at the weekend)

Tuesday: C10 will post about our how we have begun to renovate our little house.

Wednesday: T11 will be posting on his attempts at making his own leather twine, turning it into a rope and which knots he practiced in readiness for making his ladder.

Thursday: A4, with the help of Mummy, will be sharing the recipe she used to make her pancakes, bacon and maple syrup

Friday: We will post a picture of how our Little House looks.  Hopefully each week you will see some improvements!

Weekend: Post of plans for the following week

We are hoping this blog will serve as a keepsake of our Little House adventures.

29 thoughts on “Five Children, Ten Weeks and a Wooden House

  1. What a fun idea! My younger kids love the Little House books (they are 12 and 5). We will be eagerly watching what you do from California, looking for some ideas. It sounds like you have some great ones so far!

  2. Oh my goodness! I am SO excited to follow along with you guys! I think you are going to have a tremendous amount of fun and learn so much at the same time… and of course end up with a beautiful Play House! I am looking forward to all your updates! A big cheer all they way from South Africa for all of you!

  3. Wow! I can’t wait to read what you guys do everyday. I want to see how big your playhouse is. Do you plan to sleep in the playhouse?

  4. And we’ll be following you all the way from … Surrey! 😀 The blog looks wonderful, and our whole family here are very much looking forward to following your adventures and being inspired by you. Have a wonderful Little House summer!

  5. Can’t wait to see how your projects go. A great series to do this with(MY personal favorite is “Farmer Boy” because of all the daily living details in the book.).

  6. I never thought about having my kids do a blog to document their progress and memories. We will be reading and gathering ideas for our year long study starting in January. We live in Kansas so i figured “Why not?”

  7. I hope you have lots of fun in your playhouse and I’m sure that you will learn lots about Little House on the Prairie. I like your playhouse. We have a playhouse as well but it is only one level. We have the book, Little House on the Prairie. I hope you succeed with building your ladder, T11, and I hope A4 that your pancakes will turn out good. I hope you succeed with building your mattress, L10 and C10. I hope you succeed with your baking, L10.

    From Jillian, aged 8, sister to Reese

  8. I really like the layout of your blog and your very organised plans. Looks like you’re going to have a blast over the summer. I’m looking forward to reading your posts.

  9. Looking at the house here and seeing the work that you guys have put thrills me. It is great to see you working so hard. Well done

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